The Bighorn has been fishing good. Flows are around 2400 near St. Xavier with water temps coming in at 39 degrees. Nymphing will get the job done with crustations, squirmy worms, sow bugs and scuds. Streamers have been solid and will get you quality fish over quantity. Throw on your favorite sink tip or poly leader and get those streamers super deep. The Goldie in white and gold has tricked some decent fish lately.
renegade, griffiths gnat, zlon midge, tilt wing dun, black Elk Haired Caddis, Extended-body PMD, Vis-a-Dun
worm, perdigons, scuds, sowbugs, ray charles, Hot Heads, split cases, frenchies, and zebra midges
Kreelux, sparkle minnow, white dungeons.