Canyon Ferry - No ice yet and is fishing well. A balanced leech will do the trick. Look for structures and drop offs. Best open lake fishing right now.
Hauser/Holter - Rainbow trout will continue being caught below all the dams, on leeches, midges, scuds.
Hyalite Reservoir- is frozen with 12 inches with a foot of slush on top.
Hyalite creek- pretty iced up. Probably won't fish well until spring
Cliff and Wade- No ice as of Thanksgiving week. Balanced leechs and buggers will entice fish.
Quake Lake/Hebgen- Quake is iced over, edges are hard, but the middle still needs some time. Hebgens bays are iced up with about 7 inches
Ponds Around Town - Iced up, unsure of ice depth
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