The Lower Madison has been fishing ok. Flows are running around 1170cfs and have been consistent for a few days. Chubby droppers with baetis, pheasant tail or a perdigon below will pick up some fish. Crayfish patterns and smaller streamers are worth a shot too.
View USGS Streamflows
parachute adams, elk hair caddis, stubby chubby, X-caddis, Chubby Chernobyl, Thinder-thighs hopper
Clouser Cray, Zirdle Bugs, wooly bugger, Lil Spanker's, perdigons, lightning bugs, shop vac, tailwater sowbug, jiggy caddis pupa
Sparkle minnows, Kreelex minnows, wooly bugger, sculpzilla, boogie man