The Mo' has been fishing great. Flows have been steady at about 3000cfs below Holter, and water temps around 35 degrees. A double nymph rig with scuds, tailwater sow bugs, worms and zebra midges will bring in fish all day long. Smaller streamers will get some follows as well, try a wooly bugger, leech or a sparkle minnow. With the improving weather expect more anglers to be out, please be courteous.
buzball, griffiths gnat, Z-lon midge
Size 14-18 Two Bit Hooker, Various Perdigons, Tailwater sowbug, Ray Charles, pink radiation baetis, flashback pheasant tail, zebra midge, green machine
wooly bugger, Kreelex's, sparkle minnows, skiddish smolts, rusty trombones, sculpzilla